After publishing my book, Becoming The Everyday Ethicist, I continue to observe personal, leadership, and organizational ethics failures. I occasionally write blogs identifying specific issues and show how applying some of the “Ethical Anchors” described in my book might help explain what went wrong and, more importantly, describe the anchor that could have prevented the failure.
Also included in the book and referred to in all my ethics presentations is my “Everyday Ethicist Contract” and my “Checklist for Ethical Decision Making,” both intended to provide guidelines for dealing with the ethical gray areas of our lives. (And if you don’t think you have any gray areas in your life, you aren’t paying attention. We face them every… single… day.)
In the spirit of keeping things simple, I decided to create another option – a five question “Everyday Ethics Test” – that I believe captures the key points that can lead to better decisions – personally, professional, and institutionally.
And on a very personal sidenote, I couldn’t be prouder for passing this test over the weekend when I was faced with a challenging business decision. If you don’t think I practice what I preach, you don’t know me very well.
Question One: Is the act or decision “institutionally compliant?”
Is the act or decision lawful and compliant – not only in the spirit, but also in the intent of the related law and regulations? Further, is the act or decision consistent with applicable professional standards, such as the IIA Code of Ethics or the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct? And lastly, does the act or decision comply with the organization’s values and standards of conduct?
Be guided by thoughtful compliance.
Question Two: Is the act or decision “consequences aware?”
Does the act or decision take into full consideration of the short-term and long-term impact on stakeholders? Have you thought through the consequences completely and thoroughly? I often refer to the great American philosopher, Sissela Bok, and her “Yes, but” questions… When a decision is about to be made, stop and ask yourself “Yes, I could do XXXX, but – what is going to be the impact on others?”
Be guided by, and proudly stand by, your answer.
Question Three: Does the act or decision have a “blind spot?”
I end the “Ethical Choices” chapter in my book (and I often end my ethics presentations) with this:
“Say something, even if…
Even if… it costs you two dollars.
Even if… it costs you a friend.
Even if… it costs you your job.”
When faced with a difficult decision, ask yourself if you are being blinded by money. Ask yourself if you are being blinded by group think or peer pressure. Ask yourself if you are being blinded by an authority figure or organizational desire (perhaps to put profits before purpose).
Be guided by saying something, even if.
Question Four: Does the act or decision follow the “Golden Rule?”
If you were the major stakeholder impacted by the result of the act or decision, would you be happy (i.e., untroubled, delighted, joyful, pleased, or whatever similar positive state you like)?
We all have learned some version of the Golden Rule – no matter the environment, religion, or culture in which you were raised. Whether it was at home, in church, in school, or just on the playground – we were taught to treat others as we would like to be treated. Next time you are confronted with an ethical dilemma, go back to the playground rules… and…
Be guided by the golden rule.
Question Five: Does the act or decision pass a “gut check?”
Would you be comfortable with a full description of your acts or decisions on the front page of the newspaper?… Or as an Internet headline? Or more personally, would you be comfortable describing your actions to your family, your best friend, your spiritual leader, or your mentor? And lastly, and even more importantly, will you be able to look yourself in the mirror after the decision is made? (Read “The Man In The Glass” by Peter Dale Wimbrow Sr. – I found it so profound, it is how I end my book.)
Be guided by your gut. It was given to you for a reason.
This quote sums it up for me:
“What is needed is a realignment of societies’ priorities, where honesty and integrity are more important than fame and fortune.” – Joseph T. Wells
Our society needs an Everyday Ethics Test… We ALL need an Everyday Ethics Test.
Use mine or create your own. Just start paying attention to your acts, decisions, and priorities… and act with integrity… even if.
Grab my book, Becoming The Everyday Ethicist, today!
Need Ethics CPE? Book your virtual 1-hour, 2-hour, or 4-hour Ethics training with Jo today! Email
Amanda “Jo” Erven, CPA, CIA, CFE, is the President and Founder of Audit. Consulting. Education. LLC. After a successful career in external/internal audit and accounting, Jo is now an active Internal Audit Strategist, Management Consultant, Higher Education Professor, Author, and Trainer/Speaker, providing Continuing Professional Education (CPE) hours, live and virtually, to organizations across the globe. Jo’s motto says the most about her personal and professional outlook: “Good things come to those who wait… but don’t. You deserve better than good.” Every one of her books and presentations focuses on that proactive stance, and how we can immediately connect our actions to our values.