CLICK HERE for a ONE SHEET with all of Jo’s current CPE trainings and keynote presentations!
Teach and train your internal auditors to use the Total Quality Auditing® (TQA) approach to increase value to your organization.
Provide the Certified Total Quality Auditor™ (CTQA) designation for a virtual, on demand, or in-person TQA course.
Apply lean concepts to your internal audit activities to eliminate waste and improve department efficiency.
Develop and/or perform audit risk assessment processes.
Build effective, strategic, risk based and client centric audit plans.
Implement or upgrade internal audit software.
Plan or perform more efficient, value add audit & advisory engagements.
Identify/perform appropriate governance audits, including board charter reviews.
Create clear and concise audit reports and other engagement communications (audit notification/announcements, memos, etc.).
Build a Quality Assurance Improvement Program (as required by IIA Standards), including on-going monitoring and periodic self-assessments.
Perform an independent, external Quality Assurance Review (required every 5 years to state compliance with IIA Standards).
Survey overall effectiveness of your Internal Audit function.
Improve your communications and rapport with management.
Identify and design controls (expertise in US GAAP [SOX], IFRS [MI], and Statutory Accounting [MAR] regulations).
Catalog risks and controls for efficient ongoing maintenance.
Develop a value-add Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) Program.
Advise on or improve current ERM or SOX programs.
Administer or perform risk based control testing.
Implement control certification processes.
Create process or control narratives and/or flowcharts.
Develop policies and/or procedures (e.g., Fraud, Procurement, Travel & Entertainment).
Implement fraud prevention programs, including preventative focused fraud control design.
Conduct fraud or other accounting investigations.
Assist with strategic management projects.
Signature CPE Training & Keynote Presentations, include:
Say Something, Even If: Becoming The Everyday Ethicist®– CLICK HERE for Program Summary
The 7 Deadly Ethical Sins of Organizations – CLICK HERE for Program Summary
Are Technology Ethics Broken? – CLICK HERE for Program Summary
Total Ethical Auditing™: Assessing Ethics and Culture Red Flags – CLICK HERE for Program Summary
Fraud and Pop Culture: Why Hollywood Loves Fraud – CLICK HERE for Program Summary
Rethinking Internal Audit: Unlearn and Rethink Traditional Ways – CLICK HERE for Program Summary
Auditing Around The Corner: How to Look Ahead for Risks – CLICK HERE for Program Summary
Better Than Good: Your Road. Your Choices. – CLICK HERE for Program Summary
CPA in a Day – The Business Acumen You Actually Need – CLICK HERE for Program Summary
(This is the perfect training for non-financial leaders at your organization!)
CLICK HERE for a ONE SHEET with ALL Jo’s Programs

Audit. Consulting. Education. LLC is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors (Sponsor Identification Number: 142625). State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website: