Total Quality Auditing®

This is Jo’s trademarked approach to Internal Audit in a 12-part series!

Watch 1 or watch all 12 – on demand – ANY TIME! Links below for each individual TQA webinar.

Note: These are replays from the live 2022 series.

Overview of the Full 12-CPE TQA Series:

W. Edwards Deming, the founding father of the successful Total Quality Management (TQM) movement, said you cannot “inspect in” quality after the fact. “Inspection, with the aim of finding the bad ones and then throwing them out is too late, ineffective, and costly.”

Interpretation: You cannot “audit in” quality after the fact.

You cannot “audit in” ethical behavior, adherence to standards of conduct, proper risk management, effective internal controls, or compliance with laws and regulations – after the fact. You cannot “consult in” meeting customer needs, improving productivity, eliminating waste, or adding value – after the fact. Instead of continuing to react to what has already happened at your organization (the traditional audit practice), it’s time to begin proactively influencing the future of your organization.

It’s time to move from a “find a (past) problem mindset” to a “solve a (future) problem mindset.” This, and only this, will keep organizations out of the headlines and push Internal Audit functions to the top of the “value contribution” list at their organization.

The Total Quality Auditing® (TQA) concept was born based on my years of research of each of the successful TQM principles, later adapted to six TQA Points of Focus for Internal Auditors and published in both a book (Total Quality Auditing: How a Total Quality Mindset Can Help Internal Audit Add Real Value) and workbook (Total Quality Auditing Workbook: A Workbook for the Instruction and Learning of TQA Concepts and Their Application). TQA materials and trainings have been provided to Internal Auditors across all industries, globally, and testimonials prove its validity and need in the profession:  

Click here to read what people are saying about TQA…

This CPE webinar series will provide you the tools, techniques, and know how to implement progressive, impactful Internal Audit practices and take an active role in influencing your organization’s culture. It will help you show management you are truly ready to start solving problems, improving organizational effectiveness, and adding real value.

You are no longer going to be “too late, ineffective, and costly” to the organization!


Learning Objectives of Full 12 Part TQA Series:

In this 12 part webinar series, you will learn how to apply the six TQA Points of Focus and become a Total Quality Auditor. You will learn how to achieve the high-level TQA objective of changing organization culture from within and you will be motivated to transform the traditional practices utilized within your Internal Audit function.

The webinars will provide a plethora of “ah-ha” moments to help you implement needed change in your Internal Audit career. And will show management that you are ready to make an impact as an Internal Auditor. Take one hour out of every month, to expand your knowledge, open your mind to a new way of thinking, and earn 12 of your needed CPE credits in the process!  


Refunds and Cancellations:

Payment is required upon purchase of webinar or webinar series. No refunds will be provided for any reason. Refunds will not be provided if webinar is not attended. Purchases are valid for single (one) participant only; CPE credit provided for single (one) participant only. Participation is required in order to receive CPE credit. Contact or 970-439-4665, for additional administrative policies, including refunds, cancelations, and complaints.

Program Level:


Advanced Preparation:

Instructional Method:
Group Internet Based

Field of Study:
Multiple, See Individual Webinar

CPE Credits:
12 for total program participation

Webinar #1:

Introduction to Total Quality


Traditional Internal Audit certifications and training courses focus on governance, risk, controls, compliance, and processes with an emphasis on analysis and reports of events and information from the past. TQA focuses on the future, and how we, as Internal Auditors, as Total Quality Auditors, should stop only focusing on the past and begin to look forward to the future and bringing valuable recommendations and changes to our organizations.

In this Introductory webinar, you will hear a history of TQM and a summary the TQM principles that show how truly successful companies go to work. Then you will see how TQM principles apply to Internal Auditing and be introduced to the six TQA Points of Focus that will change how successful Internal Audit functions go to work.

In this first webinar, you will receive an overview of my trademark concept, TQA, and how you can achieve traditional assurance objectives AND improve the effectiveness of organizations by changing how audit goes to work. You will get a high-level summary of each of the six TQA points of focus, but you won’t want to miss the remaining webinars that dive deeper into each one!

Program Level: Basic

Prerequisites: None

Advanced Preparation: None

Instructional Method: Group Internet Based

Field of Study: Auditing

CPE Credits: 1

Webinar #2:

Point of Focus #1: Ethics – And Culture at Your Organization

What went wrong at companies like Enron, Wells Fargo, Yahoo, BP, and Volkswagen? There may have been a breakdown somewhere in the audit functions (internal or external), but the real underlying problem was NOT audit and most important, the solution does not rest in “doing more of the same, traditional audits”.

The real breakdown was in the integrity and ETHICS of the organizations. It was the BIG ME mentality and the leadership failure of the employees, managers, executives, and the Board. In this TQA Point of Focus #1 webinar on Ethics, we will dive into organizational integrity and how Internal Auditors, Total Quality Auditors, can help influence, create, and sustain an ethical culture.

In this webinar, we will review a series of major ethical misconduct and fraud cases for what I refer to as, “Big Me” companies. We will use these lessons to formulate real solutions that Internal Auditors and management can apply to ethics processes and policies within your organization. You will learn the importance of an Ethics Policy, the need for a Chief Ethics Officer position and more thoughtful training at your organization, as well as the red flags, built on TQM principles, which Internal Auditors should begin looking for. You will be introduced to the terms “micro” and “macro” level culture auditing and be provided tips and techniques to build it into your audit processes.

Program Level: Basic

Prerequisites: None

Advanced Preparation: None

Instructional Method: Group Internet Based

Field of Study: Behavioral Ethics

CPE Credits: 1

Webinar #3:

Point of Focus #2: Standards of Conduct at Your Organization

All organizations are not equal. There are different strategies and objectives, products and services, industry practices, geography, and culture. But one thing IS equal – a mission statement, values, and standards of conduct should be created and enforced to support the achievement of the organization goals. What does this have to do with auditing?

I believe the Internal Audit function, as part of culture auditing, CAN and SHOULD “audit” to the mission, values, and standards at their organization. In this TQA Point of Focus #2 webinar on Standards, you will see that Internal Auditors, Total Quality Auditors, should review the content of the standards of conduct, monitor the standard of conduct administration, and ensure universal, fair and equitable, uniform and consistent enforcement practices are in place.

In this module, you will understand how important it is to know your organization’s mission statement and values and to “audit” to ensure they are living those values. You will learn how Internal Audit can contribute to cultural and behavioral change by ensuring the proper content, administration, and monitoring/enforcement is in place for the organization’s standards of conduct. Think governance auditing. Then you will learn how important it is to proactively ensure all standards are being met during engagements (through case studies), and how important it is for you to know when they are being breached so you can begin to look for the root causes and recommend real change.

Program Level: Basic

Prerequisites: None

Advanced Preparation: None

Instructional Method: Group Internet Based

Field of Study: Auditing

CPE Credits: 1

Webinar #4:

Point of Focus #3: Feedback (Part 1) Inside and Outside of Your Engagements

The general rule is that someone, somewhere, knows there is a problem and they know it long before an Internal Auditor is going to find it. The liberal use of feedback mechanisms speeds up the process of getting important information. Someone (probably many) knew of unsafe and dangerous conditions on the Deepwater Horizon oil rig before disaster stuck. Someone (many) knew that employees at Wells Fargo were opening fraudulent customer accounts for personal gain before the story broke. But no one was asking the right questions (or listening to the answers).

Well-designed surveys are an efficient, effective way of obtaining large amounts of feedback regarding targeted risks, controls, compliance issues, and processes. In this part 1 webinar of TQA Point of Focus #3 on Feedback, you will learn that Internal Auditors, Total Quality Auditors, should be the experts on the use of feedback mechanisms and the architects of the effective use of surveys.

In this webinar, I will teach you the tools, techniques, and processes for surveying within your engagements (micro level) and outside of your engagements (macro level). Think all-employee risk and/or culture surveys. You will understand the necessity of asking and gathering responses and will be able to evaluate feedback efficiently and more effectively to develop action plans to mitigate risks, enhance controls, and improve operational effectiveness. You will learn the benefit and value your Internal Auditors and auditees will gain from this quality auditing approach.

Program Level: Basic

Prerequisites: None

Advanced Preparation: None

Instructional Method: Group Internet Based

Field of Study: Auditing

CPE Credits: 1

Webinar #5:

Point of Focus #3: Feedback (Part 2)

On Your Internal Audit Function

The principle objective of most organizations is to satisfy customers – both internal and external. To satisfy ALL stakeholders. So I ask, how do you know if you have satisfied your stakeholder/customer needs if you do not ask them? Sure, there are plenty of other measures that are good indicators of customer satisfaction, but nothing can be more important than hearing the feedback directly from the customer.

Internal Audit functions are NOT excluded from the organization when it comes to satisfying customers, so let’s do an Internal Audit self-assessment and see where you might stand on this topic. In this part 2 webinar of TQA Point of Focus #3 on Feedback, we will discuss the important fact that the Internal Audit function ONLY adds value if its customer believes it adds value. And the only way to know, is to start asking. As an extension of the part 1 webinar on Feedback, we will discuss the effective use of surveys specifically for Internal Audit performance feedback.

In this webinar, I will provide you processes for surveying to find out how your overall Internal Audit function is doing. To start, you will use a self-assessment technique to see where you need to get to work in satisfying your customers today (yes, Internal Audit has customers). You will then learn WHY you should survey your customers, HOW you should survey your customers, and WHEN you should survey your customers, as well as the number one rule you should never break. You will begin to fully understand the importance of knowing and hearing directly from all stakeholders how your value is perceived at your organization.

Program Level: Basic

Prerequisites: None

Advanced Preparation: None

Instructional Method: Group Internet Based

Field of Study: Auditing

CPE Credits: 1

Webinar #6:

Point of Focus #4: Lean

Internal Audit Techniques

Successful organizations over the last several decades have proven the effectiveness of lean concepts and techniques. No longer do we focus on what products or services we can supply; the focus correctly is on what our customers want and demand – higher quality and lower cost. TQM principles and techniques taught us this already. Leaders of successful organizations embrace the lean concepts of knowing and delivering what the customer wants, and I say that the Internal Audit function needs to embrace the same concepts.

In this TQA Point of Focus #4 webinar on Lean, we will discuss lean audit techniques, Six Sigma techniques adapted for Internal Auditors, and how Total Quality Auditors can provide clear, simple, strategic, value added services to stakeholders.

In this webinar, you will learn tools and techniques for being a lean Internal Audit function. Specifically, you will use an Internal Audit Value Stream Map, and several other Six Sigma adapted forms in order to evaluate your recent engagement processes and/or recommendations. You will discover the types of waste you may have within your Internal Audit function and how to eliminate that waste. You will begin to see that focusing on the right risks at your organization will inherently aid in the goal of being a lean Internal Auditor that your organization values.

Program Level: Basic

Prerequisites: None

Advanced Preparation: None

Instructional Method: Group Internet Based

Field of Study: Auditing

CPE Credits: 1

Webinar #7:

Point of Focus #4.5: Risk

 The REAL Risks that Matter

We have all heard the terminology the “three lines of defense.” Every organization may be at different maturity levels when it comes to their Enterprise Risk Management (ERM), or second line of defense function; however, every organization has a first line of defense = the business. And that business is not only where the risks are, but also is where the risk knowledge lives.

Traditional auditing may include a standard audit rotation plan or “required” annual audits, but I challenge you to ask, is this covering the real risks to your organization? The ones facing your organization RIGHT NOW during the Pandemic?

In this extension webinar of TQA Point of Focus #4 on Lean, we will discuss how the number one way to be a lean Internal Audit function is to focus on the right risks, RIGHT NOW. 

In this extension to the first Lean Point of Focus webinar, you will learn to focus on integrating the right risks properly in your audit plan.  You will learn how the business management, ERM, and Internal Audit functions can work together to identify and mitigate those key, critical, high, strategic risks. Under TQA, we call them “conflicts of interest risks” and “TQM principle risks” and you will be able to close this module and start identifying what they are at your organization. You will then be able to determine if you are truly a lean, risk-based, Internal Audit function.

Program Level: Basic

Prerequisites: None

Advanced Preparation: None

Instructional Method: Group Internet Based

Field of Study: Auditing

CPE Credits: 1

Webinar #8:

Point of Focus #5: Balance

 The Consulting Work that Matters

The Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) recognizes the need to balance traditional assurance functions with consulting by stating, “Internal auditing is an independent objective assurance and consulting activity designed to add value and improve an organization’s operations.”

Consulting engagements are advising services provided to customers that “add value and improve and organization’s operations”… the entire second half of that definition. So why is it that 74% of the Internal Auditors I have surveyed say they are not doing enough consulting work? Does this mean 74% of us are not adding the value and improving our organizations as we should be? Perhaps it does.

In this webinar for TQA Point of Focus #5 on Balance, we will discuss the value (benefit) we need to be bringing through consulting work at our organization, instead of just being a necessary evil (cost). This is one of the major keys to becoming a Total Quality Auditor.


In this webinar, you will learn the true benefit of balancing your work between audit and consulting.  You will see that consulting is not an independence issue, rather, it is a way to meld your Internal Audit function into the organization and help reject the notion that auditors are just the “bad cop.” You will begin to embrace the idea that auditors should focusing more on “coaching than catching” within our organizations. And you will learn an exercise to approach your audit career with more ownership and, therefore, with more of an ambition to add value and make an impact.

Program Level: Basic

Prerequisites: None

Advanced Preparation: None

Instructional Method: Group Internet Based

Field of Study: Auditing

CPE Credits: 1

Webinar #9:

Focus Point Six: Leadership (Part 1) 

– The Ethical Auditor

Ethics. Integrity. Morals. Values. Trust. Truth. Honesty. We all have our own personal thoughts on what each of these terms mean. We all have made what I call a “character choice” in life. But there is still an opportunity to review that character choice and change your behavior, if needed.

In this part 1 webinar of TQA Point of Focus #6 on Leadership, we will test your personal ethics first, and then move forward to test your professional ethics. We will go through some challenging scenarios in regards to upholding the Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) Code of Ethics. And we will even add one more key element to that Code. We will see if you have what it takes to be “the ethical, Total Quality Auditor.”

In this webinar, you will learn what ethical character choice you have been making both personally and professionally. And you will determine if a change is needed. You will be provided an overview of the IIA Code of Ethics, and then learn the additional element I believe should be added to the Code that is critical to your success as an Internal Auditor. You will be able to explore real-life “what would you do” life and audit scenarios that challenge your mind and your personal ethics.

Program Level: Basic

Prerequisites: None

Advanced Preparation: None

Instructional Method: Group Internet Based

Field of Study: Behavioral Ethics

CPE Credits: 1

Webinar #10:

Focus Point Six: Leadership (Part 2)

– The Gritty Auditor

What seems like an eternity ago, I received a book in the mail entitled GRIT: The Power of Passion and Perseverance, by Angela Duckworth. It was sent to me by my mentor with a note that said, “You are gritty, and gritty is good.”

Duckworth describes those with grit as high achievers, who are diligent, hardworking, determined, who overcome obstacles, are never discouraged, and consistently maintain focus (just to name a few).

In this part 2 webinar of TQA Point of Focus #6 on Leadership, you will be introduced to “grit,” as it relates to Internal Auditing. It begins with a passion and desire to make a difference at your organization. It means looking forward to your next engagement and persevering through every challenge. It is having the courage to point out what others may not want to see. We will see if you have what it takes to be “the gritty, Total Quality Auditor.”

In this webinar you will learn what it means to have passion and perseverance as an internal auditor. We will explore some sensitive topics, like if you are in the right career or at the right organization. You will be presented with grit factors to apply in practice in order to say you truly “audit with grit.” You will learn how you can test your current level of grit and how you can grow your grit, if needed.

Program Level: Basic

Prerequisites: None

Advanced Preparation: None

Instructional Method: Group Internet Based

Field of Study: Auditing

CPE Credits: 1

Webinar #11:

Focus Point Six: Leadership (Part 3)

– The Respected Auditor

“A leader is one who is the anchor in the midst of life’s storms.” – Austin Harrison.

Organizations today face many new and “old hat” challenges from advancing technology and growing cyber security concerns, to basic industry competition or regulatory changes. A good leader doesn’t just “weather the storm” with the organization, but they are a strong and reliable resource to ensure the organization knows the risks and succeeds through any and all change. They don’t just point out or find the problems, they stick to their resolve until they solve problems. They remain grounded at all times and they always hold true to their values.

They are the anchor. In this part 3 webinar of TQA Point of Focus #6 on Leadership, you will see that in order to become “the respected, Total Quality Auditor, you need to be the anchor within your organization.

In this webinar, you will learn the essential qualities, characteristics, and behaviors of excellent leaders and high achievers in Internal Audit. You will understand what it takes to earn respect at your organization. And you will see the benefit in being an anchor within your organization and to those you lead.

Program Level: Basic

Prerequisites: None

Advanced Preparation: None

Instructional Method: Group Internet Based

Field of Study: Auditing

CPE Credits: 1

Webinar #12:

Total Quality Auditing in Summary and Tips for Future Application

Only 10% of Internal Auditors I have surveyed think they are proactively improving future processes at their organization. Only 7% of Internal Auditors report having knowledge of all breaches of Ethics or Standards of Conduct at their organization. Only 6% of the Internal Auditors say their function is proactively covering all the right risks at their organization.

It’s time. Let’s focus on the future. Let’s focus on the real risks. Let’s show management what a valuable resource we are within the organization. We know the ethics and the standards of conduct needed, we now have the surveys and the lean techniques, we can properly assess the real risks and balance our work, and to top it off, we have the leadership qualities to follow through. We will start today being proactive, not reactive. And we will be an integral part of organizational success.

In this last webinar, you will receive a refresher of each TQA point of focus. You will hear where Internal Auditors, like yourself, want to see our profession go, and how you can apply TQA concepts you just learned to get us there. You will see how you can truly change the perception of Internal Auditors and how audit goes to work.

Program Level: Basic

Prerequisites: None

Advanced Preparation: None

Instructional Method: Group Internet Based

Field of Study: Auditing

CPE Credits: 1

TOTAL QUALITY AUDITING: 6 Points of Focus for Internal Audit + Organizational Success
