Well… Let’s just say this brought me to tears and leave it at that. I am so honored that this Publishing Entrepreneur and Executive not only took the time to READ my book, but to write the most amazing, unexpected book “review” of Total Quality Auditing.  Please read if you are at all interested in purchasing my book – maybe this will help you make the decision!

Amanda Jo,

I will try to give you a brief review of my thoughts about your book, Total Quality Auditing.  I know almost nothing about auditing, but I really enjoyed reading your book, and I will explain why. First, after over 40 years working with books and publishing, I do know quite a bit about books. I was looking for something I could find that could make your book even better and I don’t have any suggestions; I love everything about the book.

I did work for a major publisher for 16 years, but, when that ended, I was 46 years old and couldn’t find a job, so my wife and I started our own book distribution company.  It grew from $0 in 1995 to over $4 million a year in sales in about 10 years.  I believe the reason it grew was because I believe in many of the principles you mention in your book.  I always believed that our company had to be based on honesty, and the path to success was to be the best supplier for the product we had (bargain priced books), to always give the customer more than they expected, to be easy to work with, and most important, if I could make a good profit for my customers, I would do well myself.

These are some of the same principles you describe auditors should be striving for.  If an auditor supplies the best service possible in the field and goes above and beyond by bring some ideas to the table as well, then why would you search for a replacement.  Also, when you show you care enough to give extra service, you build trust, and that makes the process flow much easier, and everyone benefits.

I love the look of the books; they will be a handsome addition to my main book case.  The print is easy to read, and the quality of paper is apparent, nice and bright.  The writing is clear and concise, and I found it enjoyable to read… and that is hard to do with an instruction book.  I like the pictures; they break it up a bit.  The headings like “The Lights Come On” made me curious, and then the answer is nicely tied in at the end.  I really like the use of quotes, one of them “When we cooperate, everyone wins” is one I believe in strongly.  Too many people who are in business think if they can beat the other guy they will gain and come out ahead.  I found that if I could help my suppliers, and my customers, then we all could win and make each of us stronger.

The quote by Rockefeller was a good one, “I do not think that there is any other quality so essential to success of any kind as the quality of perseverance. It overcomes almost everything, even nature.”  I was told when I started my business you will say to yourself 1000 times before you become successful… why did I even start this business?  Each time I had a setback I would say now I only need to have 999 more setbacks, then 998, 997, etc.

I like that you added your own personal obstacles, and you called it “grit.”  I took a course in being an entrepreneur before I started my business, but most people won’t do the work, they won’t push and sacrifice.  It takes a lot of nerve to go out on your own.  I always “had a job” and it seemed so strange to create a company.  I thought companies like GM just appeared… but someone like you or I actually started them.  But people who have gone into business for themselves will always say they are glad they did.  It is very empowering, to know you can survive on your own ability.

Sorry, for going on, I wrote more than I intended, but I wanted to do your book justice… I think it is very special and you are very special.  I was truly impressed with the book.  And all you have accomplished in a short time.

Your positive attitude shines through in everything you do, use that and conquer the world.

Steve B.