“Would you quit your job, before you quit your ethics?”

This is something I ask every audience I am in front of. 

When someone is willing to share a story about when they have put their ethics… their character… their integrity… before a paycheck, it makes me believe there is still good in the world.  And in Portsmouth, NH – one of the coolest stops on my “2019 TQA tour” to date – there was some goodness!  What a fabulous group of Internal Auditors at the Granite State IIA Chapter, including someone who shared their personal story of courage in the workplace.  I can’t thank you enough for letting me share my TQA journey, workbook, and book with you all!

We may not all have the luxury of quitting a job at the drop of a hat, but my challenge to you is to take the time to find a company… a culture… that matches your values, and to not suffer through work every single day questioning what is happening around you.  I challenge you to speak up and to stand up, to all the unethical behavior in our society today. 

After all, in the brilliant words of Elizabeth Cady Stanton,

“Truth is the only safe ground to stand upon.”